Peace Pursuit Quick Start Guide

MULTILINGUAL. Outlines a biblical, step-by-step process proven to help resolve interpersonal conflicts. 

Manna Channel

JAPANESE. Short, simple teachings/Bible studies on a single theme.


MULTILINGUAL. Enter “Japan” for digital Bibles and Scripture resources in the Japanese language, including many free of charge.

English-Japanese Bible Studies

BILINGUAL resources from Mustard Seed Church in Osaka in smartphone, tablet, and print-ready formats. Free to use and share (but may not be re-sold or altered).

Foundational Scriptures in Japanese and English

Click to download and share.

Lessons on Assurance

JAPANESE: 確信の学び これから信仰生活を始める人のために
Produced by Navigators and highly recommended by one of our missionaries. Five short topical Bible studies on basic promises God gives to Christians: (1) Assurance of salvation, (2) Answered prayer, (3) Victory over sin, (4) Forgiveness, and (5) Guidance. Get to know God’s character as you learn and memorize Scripture. An excellent tool for discipleship. Order at the link above or search using the Japanese title; English version available here.

Multi-Language Media

MULTILINGUAL Christian resources; this link goes directly to Japanese-language materials.

The Concise Bible

JAPANESE site. Read online, order, or download here:

Ethnic Harvest

JAPANESE Bibles—online (some free) and hardcopy options.

Japan Christian Link

JAPANESE Bibles, BILINGUAL Bible studies, tracts, and more. Based in the U.K.